Wood-Aluminium Window/Door/Curtain Wall Extension Primary and Middle School
83700 Rottach-Egern
400 qm Total Area
AC20 FL Window
AC20 DO Door
CW20 WA Curtain Wall
Schulverband Tegernseer Tal Client
  • 730 mm deep wood panelling as custom-made craftsmanship
  • Integrated louvre windows contribute to a healthy room climate
  • Sustainable wood-aluminium windows and curtain walling with triple glazing fulfill the low-E project concept
  • Innovative EI(30) fire resistant curtain walling and windows
  • Automated door access and anti-panic lock mechanism in compliance with DIN 1125 regulations

We gladly advise you on your project.

Are you currently working on a new building project and would like exclusive consultancy on your windows, doors or façade systems? Simply contact us by phone or email and we will be happy to help you.